Data Centre Blog

Guest Blog for Data Centre and Cloud Professionals

…An impartial space to publish research, opinions, ideas and news from around the data centre industry.

Thank you for taking interest in writing for the new Datacenex Blog!

Datacenex have co-managed the Data Center Design and Build Group on LinkedIn from zero members to present day, which is now at nearly 15,000 members!  We have realised that great articles and quality information gets so easily lost in the group, so we wanted to offer a new platform to voice the opinions and knowledge of our members and our data center connections around the globe.  

Datacenex have a wide range of contacts, followers, clients, candidates and connections from various areas of the sector – so we want the content of our guest blog to reflect this. 

We’re looking for articles on subjects such as design, construction, efficiency, governance, connectivity, general trends, operations, new technologies, standards, staffing and so on!  

That said we are open to suggestions and love to hear new opinions and ideas… so if you have something you want to share just get in touch!

Rules & Guidelines for Blog Submissions:

  1. Articles must be legible. This includes being corrected for spelling and grammar (We will proofread all submissions and may suggest edits if necessary, but we are not Penguin Random House).
  2. Articles should be informative, detailed and well-researched… Opinion is fine, but we WILL NOT post fake news or spam!!
  3. All articles should be unique – no plagiarism
  4. All submissions should be related to the data center market – this can be directly or indirectly.  We will look at surrounding subject areas such as energy, blockchain, IOT, AI, mobile devices, politics etc. However, all submissions must reference the impact on, or relation to, the DC market.
  5. Submissions should not be product focused, sales pitches or press-releases (of course we will allow a smidge of self-promotion, provided it’s not the sole focus).
  6. Articles should contain a small bio of the author including a LinkedIn hyperlink
  7. All submissions should be in word format and sent to
  8. Please DO NOT include copyrighted images unless you have permission from the appropriate authority
  9. Links – We want our authors to link where they see fit, whether this is to related content, references or own company/personal website. However, these links will be checked and spammy or unsafe links will be removed and authors notified.
  10. Backlinks– if you are adding a backlink to a website you own or administer, we ask that you return the favour!

Thanks for following the above guidelines, if you have any questions or you wish to share your ideas with us. Contact us at